Jane’s Journey to Wellness

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
August 25, 2008, 3:01 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized



I met a woman that does EFT at a raw food fest a few weeks ago and am very curious about this technique.

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That puts you and I in the same boat. I was visiting a friend of mine recently and while I was there, her kids were throwing tantrums and her husband was upset about their car and things were generally chaotic. Instead of freaking out, she just calmly sat down and started tapping.

I asked her what she was doing and she sent me home with a DVD called Try It On Everything. It takes place at some kind of retreat where they’re teaching people to deal with all kinds of issues through tapping. I’m definitely kind of a skeptic, but I’ll admit that I’m really intrigued now (which is how I ended up here). Have you given it a try?

Comment by Amanda

I have tried it and it is difficult for me to do on myself. I really loved doing it with Briget, the woman, I met that does it for a living. I’m wanting to do it more and to learn more about it.

Comment by janevanbenthusen

Hey Jane,
I was just checking out your blog and saw your bit on EFT. There is a guy in KC that teaches it. Betsy and I have been to some of his classes and they were great. I have been wondering how you are doing? The guys name is Garland Landrith and he has a website called. The Universe lies within. You might google his name cuz I do not know the exact website address. Anyway, It is a great technique and really does work! Blessings to you!
Love Sue

Comment by Sue Huber

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